Synopsis: In a world where the line between life and death is often blurred, Lina Lee, a talented and determined female medical examiner, joins the prestigious Major Case Squad. Jake Kim, the squad's renowned and muscular captain, is not impressed by her arrival. He's used to a team of tough, no-nonsense men, and Lina's presence challenges his beliefs about what a woman can do in the field of forensics. As they clash over the role of women in law enforcement, an unexpected bond forms, and they
Synopsis: Grace Yan, a woman caught between love and betrayal, finds herself in a tumultuous relationship with Ethan Zhen, a man who adores her possessiveness but is tormented by her secrets. As their marriage is tested by past loves and hidden truths, Grace must confront the consequences of her actions and the depth of Ethan's jealousy. "Whispers of the Heart's Betrayal" is a tale of passion, deceit, and the struggle for forgiveness in a world where love knows no boundaries.